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Certificate of Managing Personal Finances Proficiency (4SCMPFP)

SKU 1896968
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Certificate of Managing Personal Finances Proficiency (4SCMPFP)
Product Details

COURSE DESCRIPTION: A well developed budget is like a map that aids in the ability to reach financial goals. In this course, participants learn how to budget, and create a plan to reach strategic financial goals.

Learning Objectives:

Structuring a budget

Paying off debt

Managing financial stress and dealing with family conflict

Recycling for money

Credit card hacks

Managing loans

and much more...


Completion of this course delivers a 4PRO+ CERTIFICATE OF PROFICIENCY and includes a BADGE/SEAL for the Certificate of Managing Personal Finances Proficiency (4SCMPFP) course which has been reviewed and approved by the 4ProPlus Educational and Technical Advisory Boards.

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