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Our Online Continuing Education programs include the final exam and deliver a dated certificate and professional seal. Optional CE / CME credit for select titles is also included. Browse categories or use the Search products box.

JOB-ROLE LEARNING PATH: Certified Level I Basic Programming Specialist (4CBPS)

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JOB-ROLE LEARNING PATH: Certified Level I Basic Programming Specialist (4CBPS)
Product Details

Learning Path Description:

An entry level programming specialist understand how to store, locate, and retrieve specific documents, data, and information; code into computer language; test, monitor, debug, document and maintain computer programs. A basic understanding of web development and data analytics is also a plus. This program includes the basics of popular languages such as C# and Python, while cementing skills using game design and web design modules.

Courses in this learning path include:
  • C# Programming Fundamentals
  • Python Programming Basics Proficiency
  • CSS Website Design and Development
  • Introductory Python Game Development
  • Data Visualization w/ Python/MatPlotLib

Completion of this entire bundle will award the recipient all 5 certificates of proficiency AND a certification and badge/seal as a: Certified Level I Basic Programming Specialist (4CBPS) which has been reviewed and approved by the 4ProPlus Educational and Technical Advisory Board.


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