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JOB-ROLE LEARNING PATH: Certified Social Media Specialist (4CSMS)

SKU 92493
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JOB-ROLE LEARNING PATH: Certified Social Media Specialist (4CSMS)
Product Details
Learning Path Description:
A Social Media Specialist is responsible for creating and administering content across a wide variety of social media platforms to build an audience and ensure customer engagement. The Specialist may also monitor site metrics, SEO, respond to reader comments, and oversee content and creative design.

Courses in this learning path include:
  • Social Media Business Basics
  • Social Media Strategy
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Blog and SEO Skills
  • Digital Security for Business Data

Completion of this entire bundle will award the recipient all 5 certificates of proficiency AND a certification and badge/seal as a: Certified Social Media Specialist (4CSMS) which has been reviewed and approved by the 4ProPlus Educational and Technical Advisory Boards.


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